Monday, November 13, 2006

sign up

Here is the sign up list, for december 23rd treasure hunt. (name to be announced later) not quite sure how long it will last. when we get teams sorted you'll need to designate a driver because we are planning on starting it in nisswa and work our way south so if you could get a ride in one car and meet in nisswa that will good. we'll probably start some time around high noon.


Tay said...

i'm in.

constant_k said...

Hmm grunt grunt, will we be out of school yet?

Also, I'll probably be in Milwaukee. But we'll see.

matt said...

count me in...and if you need some help with names, let me know.

Josh said...

i'm also in

88 said...


Tom said...

if youre gonna designate drivers, you might as well get drunk. let me know if you're gonna get drunk.

the dain train said...

also if you have knowledege of the nisswa area write that down so we can have the teams even.

the dain train said...

the 23rd is on a saturday max

the dain train said...

and tom, i don't think anyone is getting drunk, sorry.

constant_k said...

sam walker claims to be out but I'll bet you guys can get him

LogGamer said...

I'm in, and I have absolutely no idea of where things are in Nisswa

Shelty said...

Might as well. Count me in.
I know nothing about Nisswa, other than it being "that way."

Hillstorm said...

John and I will most likely do it.

I live in Nisswa, just so you know.

Kelsi said...

I'll go. I have a base knowledge of Nisswa (i.e. the main street and the park)

Crowe said...

sounds peachy, i'm in...i think

Jason said...

i think you can count on me... i don't know the 'swa.

constant_k said...

Hmm different people new crowd fresh meat.

This is a good thing.

jobble said...

yeah, count me in

jobble said...

oh and I don't even know which direction nisswa is

Sara Ann said...

Cool. Treasure Hunt. I'm bringing my pirate gang along, hope that's okay. Pirates love treasure hunts.

Anonymous said...

i think im in... however, i don't like the idea of 8 cars wizzin' through nisswa on icy roads. but im sure you thought of that already.

if its icy, im drivin!

Tay said...

i think we are going to need more than four teams... any thoughts on making this a strictly downtown nisswa thing and having us run everywhere?

the dain train said...

if you want to run all over nisswa that is up to you. and this is just for fun, there isn't going to be any winners or losers because of how the conditions might be.

Tay said...

there are always winners and losers... if you don't thinks so, we'll figure out a way...

Anonymous said...

i got it settled, i win and tay loses.

Jason said...

safety should be a priority for a winter hunt. people get pretty extreme during these hunts, i.e. driving through Pine Meadows. trying to pull something like that in winter will be very dangerous.

jobble said...

winter just mean nothing to lose.

Kara said...

Should you need someone with a passable knowledge of the Nisswa area, I'd be willing to come. Not sure I can offer a car though.

the dain train said...

that's alright.

Kelsi said...

Station wagon: seats 6+

note: the (+) individuals would sit in the hatch area...illegally.

Jason said...

don't worry about doing illegal things for a treasure hunt. we're a far cry past riding without seatbelts...

Hillstorm said...

I'm supposed to sign mick up.

Also possibly cameron because he will most likely forget.

Hillstorm said...

I also think we should have an update about the specifics of the hunt. Times, teams, supplies, food, Nisswa only???

sherlock said...

I tried this earlier, but it wouldn't let me post. YEAH Kaydi and I would like to PARTICIPATE.

Anonymous said...




the dain train said...

go to one of my other blogs to find out.