Thursday, August 17, 2006

i was getting my muskets clean...

alright so first business and then storytime...

the game board is completly finished. fineto. done. completed. and man, is it sweet. a picture will follow shortly. the next step is formatting the teams. max and i compiled a small unofficial list of potential hunters. the list is as follows:

jeff smith

the hunt will tkae place, as max mentioned, soley on the 25th. just a one day affair. if your name is on this list, comfirm your placement on said list. if it isn't on this this or you know of others that dont read this blog that would like to be on a team, add a comment please.

alright, enough shop talk. so last night max and i decided to head to "Wal-Fart" as he put it, to pick up some paints and whatnot. as we get to the stoplights where 371 and 210 meet, i forget to get into the left turn lane until the very last second. i make a quick and terrible lane change that leaves my car in a place that doesn't trigger the stoplight sensors so that we would get the green left turn light. meanwhile, a cop passes in front going south. we make nothing of this. the lights cycle few times and we still haven't gotten the green light. i make a snap decision and pull forward and back up so that my car is in the proper position. as i do this, another cop passes us going north. or so it seems. we get the green light and start heading towards walmart when i look in my rearview mirror and see what i think to be yet another cop right behind me. getting a little nervous, i slow down a bit. nothing happens. i turn right at the next set of lights. the cop follows. i turn left at the lights in front of walmart and the cop does the same. im very nervous at this point, wondering what i did wrong. but i didn't think that a cop would pull me over in the walmart parking lot. i was wrong. she pulls us over and the following conversation takes place. (m=matt, o=officer, x=max)

o: "so what happened back at the lights?"
m: *repeats story*
o: "well i kinda figured that what was going on. just so you know, you cant back up on the highway."
m: "oh, well i wasn't aware of that and i made sure that no one was around so that i wouldn't cause any damage."
o: "mmm." looks over my ID and insurance "so what are you guys doing at walmart this late."
m: (not wanting to explain everything) "well me and my friend here are getting some paint for a craft project that we are doing."
o: "what kind of craft?"
m: (cannot believe that she is grilling me about this. look to max for help)
x: "yeah, we are making a game board."
o: "what kinda game board?"
m: "well its for us...and a group of friends...uh..."
o: "well whats the game board like?"
m: "well, its a mix between monopoly and life i guess. you ever play life?"
o: "yeah! are you going to patent it?"
x: "yeah we really should"
o: "then you can remember the cop who pulled you over and curse her name right?"
m: (trying not to lose my grip) "nah, we would give you your cut." *forced laughter*
o: "i'll be right back."
m & x: (lose it)

a few minutes later...

o: (while shining light in my back seat) "you got a little guy back there!"
m: (not realizing i had a stowaway) "what?"
o: "i can see his feet! a little guy!"
m & x: proceed to look for this "guy"
o: "hes right there! passenger, grab him!"
x: (stunned that he was just referred to as "passenger")
o: "in the back of your seat!"
m: (pulls out the woody doll with the chuck norris face taped on) "yeah...its a woody know, from toy story...with chuck norris' face taped on..."
o: "oh man you guys are too funny! you are the best car i have pulled over today!"
m: "yeah, i have all sorts of stuff in here. i got a typewriter..."
x: "...and a whole bunch of corks."
o: "oh, so you are wine drinkers eh?"
m: "nononononononono i work at an italian restaraunt and i open a lot of wine so i collect the corks."
o: "oh, where do you work?"
m: "italian gardens."
o: "wheres that at?"
m: "out at grand view lodge."
o: "oh. i didn't know that they had an italian restaraunt out there. i actually have a friend who is an italian sous (sp?) chef. i wonder where he is right now? well, make sure you buckle up. well, i suppose it doesn't matter in a parking lot. take care!"
m: "yup."

the cop heads back to her car as another cop pulls in behind her. apparently, max and i posed more of a threat that first imagined. we take off to go park, the second cop follows us and loops through the parking lot back to the exit. thats right flatfoot. never turn your back.


Tay said...

i can confirm as well. nice story, at least you had a cool cop pull you over.

PBear said...

yah I'm in

matt said...

cool? oh man cool is the last word i would use to describe this cop. words cannot express how fucking ridiculous this cop was

Anonymous said...

I confirm for after 12:00 (noon) or so.