Updated teams for Riddles In The Dark:
JWB: Matt Capelle, Jeff Smith, Josiah, Holbrook+erin
Lee Harvey: Johnny V, Tay, AA, Dain
Leon C: Jason Houle, Hawkeye, Ashley Hillstorm, Paige Northway
Sam Walker: Sam Walker, Maya Kuehn, Hannah Burchill, Jackie L
In the name of overkill, I ask that every person on every team make an effort to call all of their teammates to make sure they can make it, and that they know when and where it will go down: Applebee's, August 1st, 9 pm. We will open with an info session and meal. Bring money for food. The hunt itself will start at 10 pm.
Also, it looks like this hunt will be closer to 2.5 hours. Short and sweet, baby.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Taking Care of Business
John, I need to know if you're a go or not. If you don't reply here, I'll call you tomorrow to firm it up.
Everyone else, I know that I've talked to about 50 people with different arrangements for arriving and departing during the hunt. If you could, I would like you to comment those on this post, so that I can tell your captains.
Captains, I will be calling all of you either Wednesday night or Thursday morning to give you information that you will have to pass on to team members.
Questions, comments, or concerns post below or call me at 218-251-0035. Leave a message if my phone's off.
Everyone else, I know that I've talked to about 50 people with different arrangements for arriving and departing during the hunt. If you could, I would like you to comment those on this post, so that I can tell your captains.
Captains, I will be calling all of you either Wednesday night or Thursday morning to give you information that you will have to pass on to team members.
Questions, comments, or concerns post below or call me at 218-251-0035. Leave a message if my phone's off.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Leave the blogosphere alone for half a week and it erupts into massive chaos.
Moreover, leave Tay alone to his own devices and he provokes massive chaos. I'm going to need to clarify a few things.
Tay's been speaking from a position he likes to call "Jason and I" when he really means "I." For whatever reason, he's figured that everybody is absolutely raring to go to do this treasure hunt and has decided to try to scare everyone by telling them that there are 50 clues and that the hunt will last 15 hours and that everyone will die. I've told him to "tease" teams a little with things like the materials list, but he took it overboard and basically started taunting everyone, so assured as he was that people were looking forward to this hunt.
Also, during the planning stages, Tay was ready to go completely insane with the clues. Whenever I'd suggest making a clue a little more reasonable, Tay would shout it down. We did work from a standpoint where we both had veto power, and usually we were able to come to a good compromise, but we'll just say that had I been alone on this hunt, it would've been a little easier, and had Tay been alone on this hunt, it may have ended up being the 8-hour marathon of death that he wanted. For example, Tay wanted to give the teams absolutely no hints at any time during the hunt. I worked it down to a lenient hint-buying system which I think will add an interesting strategical side. Suffice it to say that this hunt isn't going to be as absurdly difficult as Tay wants you to believe.
Let's chalk this up to me being a realist and Tay being just nuts.
For clarification:
If anyone takes 8 hours to finish this hunt (barring any Hufflepuffs), I'll be surprised.
We do have more clues than either of the previous hunts; however, as Tay alluded to in one of his previous posts, they are generally "clustered." We're not going to have the 15-minute cross-town drives that we saw in TH2. Whereas one of the previous hunts would send teams to New York, Chicago, and Minneapolis, we'll send you to Times Square, Madison Square Gardens, Rockefeller Plaza, the Sears Tower, Wrigley Field, the Metrodome, the Mall of America, and Best Buy headquarters. There are more hints, and the hunt will probably take a little longer, but it shouldn't double your time.
Tay and I will be visiting teams to assure that nobody becomes overly exhausted, dehydrated, or thirsty. (i.e. bringing refreshments)
The kicker here is the teams. We would've loved to have had 20 people sign up for this hunt, each one eager to dive right in to solving and finding clues. We could've accomodated everyone's wishes and had the teams you wanted and everyone would've been pleased.
However, we ended up with one of our captains dropping out of the race, one of our captains leaving in the afternoon, Capelle leaving early, another of our captains (Sam) recently becoming unsure of his ability to attend, Ashely and Jeff coming a little late, John being only tentative... needless to say, this has really screwed things up for a hunt where some prior knowledge is required - and no, I'm not talking solely about German. Interestingly enough, from our perspective, John's problem isn't that he can't have Ashley - it's that Doc Oc needs Kaitlyn. But I don't want to give anything more away.
Upon looking back at the teams, they are pretty fairly balanced. But, because I'm not a hardass like Tay, I will give Doc Oc the option: you can trade Kaitlyn for Ashley. However - and we have planned this as a backup - we normally would've given you a free half-hint to make up for knowledge lacking if a team member decided day-of not to show up (i.e. if teams were kept and Kaitlyn just wasn't there, we'd give you a free half-hint for the clue that requires her abilities), but if you opt to trade, we're not going to compensate you for your loss. Also, I'm only doing this because, except for that one quality, Kaitlyn and Ashley are fairly similar concerning qualities needed in this hunt. Don't expect me to bend the rules like this all over the place. Comprende?
At the same time, I should let you know that I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Doc Oc were to physically finish before Max had to leave.
Don't let the 10 AM start time fool you as to our expected length. I suggested it earlier but Tay vetoed it. Further along, we learned that a few people were leaving and so, with a helpful suggestion from Pammy, I was able to convince Tay that it was a good thing. Our goal was not to add two hours into the hunt so as to end around 5:00 like the other hunts have; we should (ideally) have all four teams finishing from 2:30 to 4:00. Also, there's a time sensitive clue (my team couldn't get in to Brekken's because the mall closed by the time we got our hint), so we're trying to compensate for business hours.
It took a lot of repairing to make up for the damage Tay did.
Finally, I just want to say that no matter how everyone enjoys this hunt - and we think you will sincerely enjoy it - I had fun designing it. Scouting, thinking up clues, creating the clues, even stuffing the envelopes - I had fun making this hunt. Our - well, at least my- goal was not to torture everyone to the point of begging for the hunt to be over, but rather to provide a challenge that matched the mental toughness and smooth flow-charting of the first treasure hunt with the physical derring-do of the second, while maintaining a high-octane level the whole way. Our thoughts were to have more clues spaced closer together to keep up the excitement and keep down the slow drive time, and I think we've succeeded.
Finally, Tay didn't want me to tell you this, but I'm adding to the materials list a phone book and scratch paper. Tay told me that teams should've figured out by now that they need this stuff, and that if they don't bring it, well, tough luck for them. But I'm not so big on tough luck.
I hope everyone's satisfied, since this is, after all, supposed to be entertainment.
Moreover, leave Tay alone to his own devices and he provokes massive chaos. I'm going to need to clarify a few things.
Tay's been speaking from a position he likes to call "Jason and I" when he really means "I." For whatever reason, he's figured that everybody is absolutely raring to go to do this treasure hunt and has decided to try to scare everyone by telling them that there are 50 clues and that the hunt will last 15 hours and that everyone will die. I've told him to "tease" teams a little with things like the materials list, but he took it overboard and basically started taunting everyone, so assured as he was that people were looking forward to this hunt.
Also, during the planning stages, Tay was ready to go completely insane with the clues. Whenever I'd suggest making a clue a little more reasonable, Tay would shout it down. We did work from a standpoint where we both had veto power, and usually we were able to come to a good compromise, but we'll just say that had I been alone on this hunt, it would've been a little easier, and had Tay been alone on this hunt, it may have ended up being the 8-hour marathon of death that he wanted. For example, Tay wanted to give the teams absolutely no hints at any time during the hunt. I worked it down to a lenient hint-buying system which I think will add an interesting strategical side. Suffice it to say that this hunt isn't going to be as absurdly difficult as Tay wants you to believe.
Let's chalk this up to me being a realist and Tay being just nuts.
For clarification:
If anyone takes 8 hours to finish this hunt (barring any Hufflepuffs), I'll be surprised.
We do have more clues than either of the previous hunts; however, as Tay alluded to in one of his previous posts, they are generally "clustered." We're not going to have the 15-minute cross-town drives that we saw in TH2. Whereas one of the previous hunts would send teams to New York, Chicago, and Minneapolis, we'll send you to Times Square, Madison Square Gardens, Rockefeller Plaza, the Sears Tower, Wrigley Field, the Metrodome, the Mall of America, and Best Buy headquarters. There are more hints, and the hunt will probably take a little longer, but it shouldn't double your time.
Tay and I will be visiting teams to assure that nobody becomes overly exhausted, dehydrated, or thirsty. (i.e. bringing refreshments)
The kicker here is the teams. We would've loved to have had 20 people sign up for this hunt, each one eager to dive right in to solving and finding clues. We could've accomodated everyone's wishes and had the teams you wanted and everyone would've been pleased.
However, we ended up with one of our captains dropping out of the race, one of our captains leaving in the afternoon, Capelle leaving early, another of our captains (Sam) recently becoming unsure of his ability to attend, Ashely and Jeff coming a little late, John being only tentative... needless to say, this has really screwed things up for a hunt where some prior knowledge is required - and no, I'm not talking solely about German. Interestingly enough, from our perspective, John's problem isn't that he can't have Ashley - it's that Doc Oc needs Kaitlyn. But I don't want to give anything more away.
Upon looking back at the teams, they are pretty fairly balanced. But, because I'm not a hardass like Tay, I will give Doc Oc the option: you can trade Kaitlyn for Ashley. However - and we have planned this as a backup - we normally would've given you a free half-hint to make up for knowledge lacking if a team member decided day-of not to show up (i.e. if teams were kept and Kaitlyn just wasn't there, we'd give you a free half-hint for the clue that requires her abilities), but if you opt to trade, we're not going to compensate you for your loss. Also, I'm only doing this because, except for that one quality, Kaitlyn and Ashley are fairly similar concerning qualities needed in this hunt. Don't expect me to bend the rules like this all over the place. Comprende?
At the same time, I should let you know that I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Doc Oc were to physically finish before Max had to leave.
Don't let the 10 AM start time fool you as to our expected length. I suggested it earlier but Tay vetoed it. Further along, we learned that a few people were leaving and so, with a helpful suggestion from Pammy, I was able to convince Tay that it was a good thing. Our goal was not to add two hours into the hunt so as to end around 5:00 like the other hunts have; we should (ideally) have all four teams finishing from 2:30 to 4:00. Also, there's a time sensitive clue (my team couldn't get in to Brekken's because the mall closed by the time we got our hint), so we're trying to compensate for business hours.
It took a lot of repairing to make up for the damage Tay did.
Finally, I just want to say that no matter how everyone enjoys this hunt - and we think you will sincerely enjoy it - I had fun designing it. Scouting, thinking up clues, creating the clues, even stuffing the envelopes - I had fun making this hunt. Our - well, at least my- goal was not to torture everyone to the point of begging for the hunt to be over, but rather to provide a challenge that matched the mental toughness and smooth flow-charting of the first treasure hunt with the physical derring-do of the second, while maintaining a high-octane level the whole way. Our thoughts were to have more clues spaced closer together to keep up the excitement and keep down the slow drive time, and I think we've succeeded.
Finally, Tay didn't want me to tell you this, but I'm adding to the materials list a phone book and scratch paper. Tay told me that teams should've figured out by now that they need this stuff, and that if they don't bring it, well, tough luck for them. But I'm not so big on tough luck.
I hope everyone's satisfied, since this is, after all, supposed to be entertainment.
Friday, July 21, 2006
TH3 teams

as promised, here are the teams for th3:
(these teams have been adjusted since originally posted - Jason)
team phoenix
captain - pammy ronnei
cocaptain - shane penoyer
team members - kyle solstad, karla tetrault
team doc oc
captain - max kuehn
cocaptain - john valesano
team members - jeff smith, ashley hillstrom
team black widow
captain - jennifer dens
cocaptain - josh mattson
team members - chris runyan, ariel aakhus
team penguin
captain - sam walker
cocaptain - matt capelle
team members - kaitlyn ziebell, josiah collins
a couple of other things as well:
first, captains (and i guess cocaptains) are responsible for getting together all suggested items and ensuring team members are at kiwanis on time. the hunt will begin at 10:00 and any time spent after that waiting for team members is on your clock.
second, do not worry about food breaks. suffice it to say that jason and i are thoughtful (and thrifty) people and have figured some stuff out.
which brings me to third, entrance fees. the base entrance fee will be $4.00 for participants. while this is a dollar more than previously, but please take into account that our hunt required over twice the materials (and this is not counting jason's gas money, which we are leaving out). furthermore, we plan to have pizza and pop/water at the end, which we are asking an additional $3.00 for to cover costs. this will buy you, roughly, 3 slices of an extra large (papa john's) pizza and 3 cans of pop/bottles of water, as well as like a bowl of chips or whatever to go with the pizza. so all in all a pretty good deal, considering you get a full day's worth of entertainment and a meal (plus a bonus surprise!) for seven bucks. that is the price of a movie like "the devil wears prada" which, even though i have never seen it, i am sure is a piece of shit, as opposed to th3 which will be a piece of gold... or whatever is opposite of a piece of shit.
so for those of you who don't read the post and make comments asking us questions answered in the post itself, here's this post in summary:
teams are posted above. captains are responsible for organizing team members and equipment.
food will be provided, so don't worry about dying. entrance fee is $7.00 total, which includes the $3.00 for food afterwards. so people who need to leave for work or are vegan don't have to pay the extra $3.00. but we are asking everyone else to so that we don't have moochers who shoud have paid, but didn't, and now are bugging people. savvy?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
just to give you guys some sort of scale for this hunt:
i am posting this at just shy of 1 a.m. and jason has been at my house since noon, when we began printing, cutting, stuffing, and organizing clues, only breaking for a couple hours to go to zoe houle's softball game and eat. so total work we've done has been in the range of about 7-8 hours.
starting at my the end of my bed we had clues go down my hall, into my man cave, and every which way. after stuffing them, we lined them up and they ran all the way from one end of the downstairs hall to the other.
i personally stuffed over 100 clues. jason stuffed a good number as well.
we stress again that all participants must be signed up by this friday (the 21st) by noon to compete. we will post the teams and final entrance fee by midnight that same day. please read the rules and check the sign up. also remember the start time is 10:00 a.m. at kiwanis park.
i am posting this at just shy of 1 a.m. and jason has been at my house since noon, when we began printing, cutting, stuffing, and organizing clues, only breaking for a couple hours to go to zoe houle's softball game and eat. so total work we've done has been in the range of about 7-8 hours.
starting at my the end of my bed we had clues go down my hall, into my man cave, and every which way. after stuffing them, we lined them up and they ran all the way from one end of the downstairs hall to the other.
i personally stuffed over 100 clues. jason stuffed a good number as well.
we stress again that all participants must be signed up by this friday (the 21st) by noon to compete. we will post the teams and final entrance fee by midnight that same day. please read the rules and check the sign up. also remember the start time is 10:00 a.m. at kiwanis park.

Monday, July 17, 2006
August 1?
I thought the big road trip which I've apparently been kicked out of is scheduled to take place the first week of August?
IMPORTANT: Riddles in the Dark info. Tell your friends!
Okay, here's all the important info:
The fourth treasure hunt will take place on the evening of Tuesday, August 1st. All participants will meet at Applebee's at 9 pm for a meal and rules review (note: participants must pay for their own damn food). The entrance fee will be $6 per person, American currency only, please. Approximately 10 minutes before 10 pm, we will break everyone up into teams and pass out the first clue so teams can consult and decide where they wil head first. At precisely 10 pm, teams will be released and sent out after their first clue.
Teams are as follows (please forgive my name misspellings, I know not what I do):
John Wilkes Booth: Matt Capelle, Tara Ritter, Jeff Smith, (Josiah Collins? Someone please call him. We feel he would be an asset. Dain Train?)
Lee Harvey Oswald: John Valesano, Tay Stevenson, Ariel Ahkus, Kyle Solstead
Leon Czolgosz: Jason Houle, Shane Penoyer, Ashley Hilstrom, Josh Holbrook (+Erin?)
Sam Walker: Sam Walker, Maya Kuehn, Hannah Burchill, Kali Gardner/Carmen Cummings?
(note: teams are not set in stone. We will take suggestions as to team changes, but be prepared to offer good reason. If you see your name on this list, call up everyone else on your team and make sure they know about the hunt.)
There will be no official captains for this treasure hunt. Teams must still designate a single cell phone and a single car that they will use for the duration of the hunt.
Teams are encouraged to wear appropriate attire, preferably dark enough to avoid undue pedestrian attention but reflective enough to avoid being hit by a car. Each team will need flashlights, a CD player, and pens and paper. Good shoes for climbing and skulking are also a major plus. Flip flops? Not so much.
Rules will be very similar to the first two treasure hunts, but we will introduce a unique new feature in this one. Each clue will have a number after it (usually 10, 15, or 20) that will indicate the time span after a team obtains that clue that they may call and learn of its location. For example, if a clue says "15" on the end and after 15 minutes of searching/thinking a team is still unsure, they may call Mattson, Pammy, or myself to learn of the clue's location.
Hopefully, this will tighten up the race and make sure that the winner is determined by who gets clues the fastest under the time limit, not who gets stalled for extended periods on single clues. Also, these times have been measured out so we can guarantee that the hunt will not extend beyond the 1 a.m. bar closing time, a necessary deadline for safety's sake. We ask that each team use a stopwatch (or a cell phone with a stopwatch feature; not your team contact phone, please!) to make sure that they do not underestimate the time that has passed since they got a clue. On the first clue, teams may start counting upon their release from the restaurant. We have no way of enforcing this without very cumbersome restrictions, so we will be using the honor system.
The fourth treasure hunt will take place on the evening of Tuesday, August 1st. All participants will meet at Applebee's at 9 pm for a meal and rules review (note: participants must pay for their own damn food). The entrance fee will be $6 per person, American currency only, please. Approximately 10 minutes before 10 pm, we will break everyone up into teams and pass out the first clue so teams can consult and decide where they wil head first. At precisely 10 pm, teams will be released and sent out after their first clue.
Teams are as follows (please forgive my name misspellings, I know not what I do):
John Wilkes Booth: Matt Capelle, Tara Ritter, Jeff Smith, (Josiah Collins? Someone please call him. We feel he would be an asset. Dain Train?)
Lee Harvey Oswald: John Valesano, Tay Stevenson, Ariel Ahkus, Kyle Solstead
Leon Czolgosz: Jason Houle, Shane Penoyer, Ashley Hilstrom, Josh Holbrook (+Erin?)
Sam Walker: Sam Walker, Maya Kuehn, Hannah Burchill, Kali Gardner/Carmen Cummings?
(note: teams are not set in stone. We will take suggestions as to team changes, but be prepared to offer good reason. If you see your name on this list, call up everyone else on your team and make sure they know about the hunt.)
There will be no official captains for this treasure hunt. Teams must still designate a single cell phone and a single car that they will use for the duration of the hunt.
Teams are encouraged to wear appropriate attire, preferably dark enough to avoid undue pedestrian attention but reflective enough to avoid being hit by a car. Each team will need flashlights, a CD player, and pens and paper. Good shoes for climbing and skulking are also a major plus. Flip flops? Not so much.
Rules will be very similar to the first two treasure hunts, but we will introduce a unique new feature in this one. Each clue will have a number after it (usually 10, 15, or 20) that will indicate the time span after a team obtains that clue that they may call and learn of its location. For example, if a clue says "15" on the end and after 15 minutes of searching/thinking a team is still unsure, they may call Mattson, Pammy, or myself to learn of the clue's location.
Hopefully, this will tighten up the race and make sure that the winner is determined by who gets clues the fastest under the time limit, not who gets stalled for extended periods on single clues. Also, these times have been measured out so we can guarantee that the hunt will not extend beyond the 1 a.m. bar closing time, a necessary deadline for safety's sake. We ask that each team use a stopwatch (or a cell phone with a stopwatch feature; not your team contact phone, please!) to make sure that they do not underestimate the time that has passed since they got a clue. On the first clue, teams may start counting upon their release from the restaurant. We have no way of enforcing this without very cumbersome restrictions, so we will be using the honor system.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
TH3 start time
Attn. Treasure Hunt III Planning Committee:
Max's "I'll just work when I want to" plan for the summer hit its first snag this weekend when I asked for the 28th off and was denied. Soooo I'll have to be home by 3:30/4:00 on treasure hunt day. I still want to participate, but I prolly shouldn't be a captain if I'm not going to be there for the duration. Is an earlier start time possible? Might we be finished by 3:30? Or are you not at liberty to divulge such info?
Sorry dudes.
Max's "I'll just work when I want to" plan for the summer hit its first snag this weekend when I asked for the 28th off and was denied. Soooo I'll have to be home by 3:30/4:00 on treasure hunt day. I still want to participate, but I prolly shouldn't be a captain if I'm not going to be there for the duration. Is an earlier start time possible? Might we be finished by 3:30? Or are you not at liberty to divulge such info?
Sorry dudes.
Saturday, July 15, 2006

as you can see, jason and i have been hard at work (well, i've been hard at work on that sweet logo) and have decided on a theme for th3: supervillains. our captains for this treasure hunt are max kuehn (doctor octopus), tara ritter (the phoenix), jennifer dens (black widow), and sam walker (the penguin). the captains were chosen for a special attribute they all possess, so please do not feel offended if you feel you are more deserving.
jason and i have also finalized the rules for the treasure hunt, which i am posting in advance here:
1) all participants must be signed up with jason or me by the entry date (12:00 p.m., july 21, 2006). no walk-ins will be allowed. our official list, which i will continue to update on this post, is as follows:
john valesano
jeff smith
shane penoyer
kyle solstad
josh mattson
ariel aakhus
tara ritter
ashley hillstrom
josiah collins
max kuehn
sam walker
pammy ronnei
jennifer dens
matt capelle
chris runyan
karla tetrault
kaitlyn ziebell
2) all participants must pay the entry fee (to be determined at a later date) to participate. no exceptions.
3) only one vehicle will be allowed per team.
4) only one cell phone will be allowed per team for communication with other teams and ourselves.
5) teams will begin the hunt with no clues, but may purchase them for a time penalty. hints may be purchased in half-hint incriments, half of a hint involving cooperation and assistance from us and a full hint granting a simple location. the first half hint can be purchased for a 5 minute penalty, with each additional half increasing in cost by 5 minutes with a limit of half an hour.
6. teams may seperate as far as they like. there is not "25-yard" rule.
7. any team found to have tampered with clues will be disqualified.
8. leave no trace...
these rules will be given again at the outset of the treasure hunt on the 28th, along with advice from jason and myself. captains are reminded that each team should have a handheld cd player, a shovel, and swimming gear (for at least two team members). please remember to sign up and check back here for further updates.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
TH3 Update
Tay and I have worked out a pretty good flow chart, and we only have a few clues left to create. Things are coming together really well, and we hopefully shouldn't be running around like headless chickens on the 27th, outside of - of course - planting the clues.
There are a couple of interesting new ideas that we're working on to spice up the hunt, including a (probably) higher amount of clock penalties so that nobody will be completely certain of who has won until times and penalties are totalled at the end. We're already certain that some of the basic ground rules will be changing to accomodate a slightly different flavor of hunt.
We've been working hard to find intellectually and physically demanding clues. One in particular looks to be both the most challenging mentally and physically - hopefully the clue everyone will be talking about. Tay and I stumbled upon the location quite by accident and whipped up a real doozy of a hint to go with it.
Tantalizing, no?
There are a couple of interesting new ideas that we're working on to spice up the hunt, including a (probably) higher amount of clock penalties so that nobody will be completely certain of who has won until times and penalties are totalled at the end. We're already certain that some of the basic ground rules will be changing to accomodate a slightly different flavor of hunt.
We've been working hard to find intellectually and physically demanding clues. One in particular looks to be both the most challenging mentally and physically - hopefully the clue everyone will be talking about. Tay and I stumbled upon the location quite by accident and whipped up a real doozy of a hint to go with it.
Tantalizing, no?
Friday, July 07, 2006
Treasure Hunt III
I've named it so because we expect Max and Pammy's to be earlier than ours.
The set date is Friday, July 28th, 2006. Get off work if at all possible.
Tay and I have been scouting today and things are shaping up. Our hopes for this one are to match or possibly exceed the intellectual level of clues that was present in Treasure Hunt I while hopefully matching if not simply nearing the physical daring-do that we all experienced in Treasure Hunt II.
Tell your friends. The more the merrier. We will be pre-setting teams for this hunt, just because there will be some clues that do require skill sets/ pre-existing knowledge. We need to have all applicants respond by noon, July 21st, either on this blog (comment below) or verbally or by e-mail or by snail mail or text message or instant message or smoke signals to Tay or myself. We ask people to commit to the entire day so that we don't have cases a la Holbrook. Also, there will more than likely be a small entry fee, and we're considering upping the ante from THII to buy pizza and refreshments afterwards.
Our tentative equipment list includes a portable CD player, swimming gear, and a shovel. Possible use of grappling hook to be determined later.
We hope you're as excited as we are. Sign below. We'll also be putting a link to this post on the sidebar. Max and Pammy, if you want to do the same for your hunt, go ahead.
as you may or may not have noted, the title of this post has been changed and the countdown has begun for what will be the third treasure hunt, that being jason's and mine. after speaking with pammy and mattson, it sounds like their hunt will be the night of august first, but i will leave it to them to post officially.
jason and i have done some more scouting and have finalized clue spots and worked up a working flow chart for the clues. so things are shaping up on those ends of things.
anyway, tell your friends about this site so they can get news on treasure hunt stuff. also, get them to sign up. as of right now we have 12 people and we'd like to get 8 more. that's all for now-tay
The set date is Friday, July 28th, 2006. Get off work if at all possible.
Tay and I have been scouting today and things are shaping up. Our hopes for this one are to match or possibly exceed the intellectual level of clues that was present in Treasure Hunt I while hopefully matching if not simply nearing the physical daring-do that we all experienced in Treasure Hunt II.
Tell your friends. The more the merrier. We will be pre-setting teams for this hunt, just because there will be some clues that do require skill sets/ pre-existing knowledge. We need to have all applicants respond by noon, July 21st, either on this blog (comment below) or verbally or by e-mail or by snail mail or text message or instant message or smoke signals to Tay or myself. We ask people to commit to the entire day so that we don't have cases a la Holbrook. Also, there will more than likely be a small entry fee, and we're considering upping the ante from THII to buy pizza and refreshments afterwards.
Our tentative equipment list includes a portable CD player, swimming gear, and a shovel. Possible use of grappling hook to be determined later.
We hope you're as excited as we are. Sign below. We'll also be putting a link to this post on the sidebar. Max and Pammy, if you want to do the same for your hunt, go ahead.
as you may or may not have noted, the title of this post has been changed and the countdown has begun for what will be the third treasure hunt, that being jason's and mine. after speaking with pammy and mattson, it sounds like their hunt will be the night of august first, but i will leave it to them to post officially.
jason and i have done some more scouting and have finalized clue spots and worked up a working flow chart for the clues. so things are shaping up on those ends of things.
anyway, tell your friends about this site so they can get news on treasure hunt stuff. also, get them to sign up. as of right now we have 12 people and we'd like to get 8 more. that's all for now-tay
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Max, et. al
I've decided that, as I will have a chance to participate in Tay and Jason's Hunt either way, I definitely want to help on the next one. Among other things, I have mad envelope-printing skillz.
About attendance:
I was thinking that a way we could involve more poeple without it being "weird" is to make it a make-your-own-team sort of thing. Like Maya and her friends could all just be one team, and we could have one team of all Juniors or whatever. The only problem is that then you pretty much definitely are going to need more than four teams...
About attendance:
I was thinking that a way we could involve more poeple without it being "weird" is to make it a make-your-own-team sort of thing. Like Maya and her friends could all just be one team, and we could have one team of all Juniors or whatever. The only problem is that then you pretty much definitely are going to need more than four teams...
like ebola...or butter...
i think max is right on the attendence end of things, we need to get the numbers around 20. although i think it would be wierd to be doing this outside our group of friends. i could be wrong, but that is just my thinking.
as far as i'm concerned, the biggest thing we need to do is get the word out. it would be nice to get everyone to be checking here so as to avoid any confusion and to get a centralized sign up list for each treasure hunt. ideas can also be floated here, so basically that's what i've got.
as far as i'm concerned, the biggest thing we need to do is get the word out. it would be nice to get everyone to be checking here so as to avoid any confusion and to get a centralized sign up list for each treasure hunt. ideas can also be floated here, so basically that's what i've got.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Life On Mars
I think the most important thing for the treasure hunts is going to be maximizing attendance. When we involve more people we get more money from entrance fees, we get the word out more for future hunts, and we minimize the chance that one person quitting will put an entire team out of commision (see: Hufflepuff, Holbrook).
I think it will be good for this whole venture if we can expand the scope beyond this immediate ciricle of people. Or, maybe we don't want to make it a public deal. Perhaps it shoud be kept a private venture, just between friends. But even if we do that, it would be best to get our attendence closer to that of the first hunt, rather than the second. I realize not everyone is cut out to do treasure hunts, but surely there must be untapped sources of participants.
If attendance ever leads to teams getting too large (more than 5-6 people) we can always expand the number of teams.
And I'm excited for the Stevenson/Houle hunt. Should be very intellectual. We'll see if Josh Mattson can live up to his rather glowing self-assesment of his treasure hunting capabilities. That said, I want him on my team.
I think it will be good for this whole venture if we can expand the scope beyond this immediate ciricle of people. Or, maybe we don't want to make it a public deal. Perhaps it shoud be kept a private venture, just between friends. But even if we do that, it would be best to get our attendence closer to that of the first hunt, rather than the second. I realize not everyone is cut out to do treasure hunts, but surely there must be untapped sources of participants.
If attendance ever leads to teams getting too large (more than 5-6 people) we can always expand the number of teams.
And I'm excited for the Stevenson/Houle hunt. Should be very intellectual. We'll see if Josh Mattson can live up to his rather glowing self-assesment of his treasure hunting capabilities. That said, I want him on my team.
to get things organized
i've decided to create this blog to get treasure hunt stuff centralized. we'll hope this works.
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