as promised, here are the teams for th3:
(these teams have been adjusted since originally posted - Jason)
team phoenix
captain - pammy ronnei
cocaptain - shane penoyer
team members - kyle solstad, karla tetrault
team doc oc
captain - max kuehn
cocaptain - john valesano
team members - jeff smith, ashley hillstrom
team black widow
captain - jennifer dens
cocaptain - josh mattson
team members - chris runyan, ariel aakhus
team penguin
captain - sam walker
cocaptain - matt capelle
team members - kaitlyn ziebell, josiah collins
a couple of other things as well:
first, captains (and i guess cocaptains) are responsible for getting together all suggested items and ensuring team members are at kiwanis on time. the hunt will begin at 10:00 and any time spent after that waiting for team members is on your clock.
second, do not worry about food breaks. suffice it to say that jason and i are thoughtful (and thrifty) people and have figured some stuff out.
which brings me to third, entrance fees. the base entrance fee will be $4.00 for participants. while this is a dollar more than previously, but please take into account that our hunt required over twice the materials (and this is not counting jason's gas money, which we are leaving out). furthermore, we plan to have pizza and pop/water at the end, which we are asking an additional $3.00 for to cover costs. this will buy you, roughly, 3 slices of an extra large (papa john's) pizza and 3 cans of pop/bottles of water, as well as like a bowl of chips or whatever to go with the pizza. so all in all a pretty good deal, considering you get a full day's worth of entertainment and a meal (plus a bonus surprise!) for seven bucks. that is the price of a movie like "the devil wears prada" which, even though i have never seen it, i am sure is a piece of shit, as opposed to th3 which will be a piece of gold... or whatever is opposite of a piece of shit.
so for those of you who don't read the post and make comments asking us questions answered in the post itself, here's this post in summary:
teams are posted above. captains are responsible for organizing team members and equipment.
food will be provided, so don't worry about dying. entrance fee is $7.00 total, which includes the $3.00 for food afterwards. so people who need to leave for work or are vegan don't have to pay the extra $3.00. but we are asking everyone else to so that we don't have moochers who shoud have paid, but didn't, and now are bugging people. savvy?
My team- I will try to get out of work asap (around 12-1). I will just catch up with you quickly after that.
oh no you didn't. I am boycotting this treasure hunt until you take back what you said about 'The Devil Wears Prada.' That has been the best movie I have seen this summer and you shouldn't judge it before you've seen it.
tay i would like ashley to be on my team.
my team is
to john and everyone else:
the teams are set. we took a few things into account when setting teams, for example german speaking (each team has one german speaker) and the people who had set up previous treasure hunts (each team has one previous organizer). but the biggest determiner (i don't thing that is a word) of where people went was past experience with treasure hunts/ability to lead. so don't think that jason and i just pulled names out of a hat, we spent like 2 hours trying to make teams as fair as possible.
more fully, john, the reason you are on max's team is simple. as you have captained both of the previous two hunts, we thought that you had the greatest ability to take over a team when a key member left, as will happen at 3:30. which is why you need to be there (aka get work off). jason's and my greatest fear is another hufflepuff.
so no, ashley cannot be on your team.
What about a switcheroo with kaitlyn and me?
Obviously I must not be that important because I am only a team member, and switching two girl team members wouldn't be that big of a deal, would it?
Or do I possess key knowledge for particular clues that Matt, Sam, and Josiah would not be able to figure out without my help?
I'm just saying...
sorry ashley, teams are final. you have done two treasure hunts and kaitlyn has done zero, so that isn't exactly a fair trade.
you guys have been on the same team for two treasure hunts, i think it will be interesting to see what you guys do apart. besides, you aren't on the same teams for th4, so this will be good practice for you too.
I'm too nice to say anything mean.
I've erased 5 different comments now.
im out then.
captain that.
i guess you can let kaitlyn captain the team.
it should be good practice.
Weird john. You're all up in tay's grill about being on ashely's team for this one, but you haven't complained about riddles in the dark where teams were declared reasonably flexible.
That said; tay, just let ashley be on doc oc. It'll make a world of difference to team morale, which is going to be very important in a hunt as grueling long as this one promises to be. Plus, I'd hate to lose half of this dynamic muthafuckin' duo.
Damn, even the octopus graphic looks way better than all the others.
its the principle of the thing max.
actually max, jason and i were both very fond of the phoenix logo, but the octopus was really cool as well. it took a long time to find/make those logos, so i hope you appreciate them when you are tearing them apart to get your clues.
as for the teams, as said before, they are set. jason and i spent hours tweaking the balance so things are fair and no team has a gross advantage over another team.
above all, we don't want another hufflepuff. consider we had to work around people leaving early for work and other reasons, and we have come up with teams that we think are very fair.
that said, come on john. is it really that big of a deal? i mean arguing principle is one thing, but arguing this is just sorta dumb. the teams are set. we need you for the hunt otherwise doc oc is screwed (for all intents and purposes) after max leaves. so we are asking you to spend a few hours away from your beloved and lead your team to victory.
if the time apart is too much to bear, jason and i took away the "no contacting other teams" rule at the outset of our concept of th3. so you'll be fine.
like i said before. i quit.
so there is your hufflepuff.
hmm, this is gonna sound wierd, but for once I actually agree with tay. It's not a really a big deal. I do appreciate how you aren't making anyone on penguin team feel bad ashley....
Tay, are you counting on john blinking first or something? Because he will just not go, you know that. And then, as you said, Doc Oc is screwed.
John holds the only trump here (his attendance), and he's not afraid to use it. For the good of the hunt, swallow your pride and fix the damn teams.
omg youre not on the same team for a TREASURE HUNT that lasts a few hours. is that really even worth whining about? grow up and get over it.
i wasnt whining.
i mad a request which was subsequently rejected.
then i quit.
where is the whining in that?
I know it's not that big of a deal to be on different teams... but it's also not that big of a deal to switch teams either.
I just don't feel like giving in to Tay. And personally it's kind of funny to see him get all worked up.
Josiah, I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not...
It's not whining, it's John being stubborn. There's a difference.
Pretty sure Josiah was being sarcastic, seeing as he's on team Penguin.
good work jason
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