Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Newest In New

Updated teams for Riddles In The Dark:

JWB: Matt Capelle, Jeff Smith, Josiah, Holbrook+erin

Lee Harvey: Johnny V, Tay, AA, Dain

Leon C: Jason Houle, Hawkeye, Ashley Hillstorm, Paige Northway

Sam Walker: Sam Walker, Maya Kuehn, Hannah Burchill, Jackie L

In the name of overkill, I ask that every person on every team make an effort to call all of their teammates to make sure they can make it, and that they know when and where it will go down: Applebee's, August 1st, 9 pm. We will open with an info session and meal. Bring money for food. The hunt itself will start at 10 pm.

Also, it looks like this hunt will be closer to 2.5 hours. Short and sweet, baby.


Hillstorm said...

Max, for once, please spell my name right.

Jason said...


Leon is the most hardcore assassin there. The other two got shot, but a bullet's not good enough for ol' Leon; electric chair, baby.

I get off work at 9, so I'll just be a bit late but I think that things'll be cool, no? I'll just have someone order me some food.

constant_k said...

Ashely: NEVER

Seriously, I have problems with your name. I'll try to get better.

Houle: Was JWB killed by firing squad or something? That'd be pretty badass. And it's fine if you're a bit late to applebee's.

the dain train said...

i thought jwb was shot outside the barn he hid in after he shot licoln, police surrounded it and the sheriff shot him even though he wasn't suppose to. but hey, what do i know, i got a 3 on the ap history exam.

J0hn said...


matt said...

i may be late too. i dunno

Jason said...

dain hit it on the head.

Lincoln's assassin shot him in a theater and ran to a barn (warehouse).

Kennedy's assassin shot him from a warehouse and ran to a theater.

Both assassins were later shot even though they were ordered not be.

Those are some of the 329,423,514 coincidences in the Lincoln/Kennedy assassinations.

But yeah, right on, Dain.

Hillstorm said...

I was talking about my last name actually.

the dain train said...

WHOO HOO!! that's what i'm talking about. i shouldn't have work, so i should be there on time, but if i do, which is unlikely i will get there around 9:45 or 9:50.

constant_k said...

Just out of curiosity, what was it that Doc Oc needed Kaitlyn for?

I'd like to see the list of strengths and weaknesses I'm sure you guys made up during your MANY hours of preparation.

Josh said...

max i did that one thing i was supposed to do today i will show you tomorrow

Jason said...

Well, we figured you guys would be in the dark about the check wall; Sam Walker didn't know what we were talking about, so we didn't figure you would know either, Max.

Oh wait. You guys skipped that one. That's right. Jeez.

Like I said, not a huge deal, but that Doc Oc took first and Penguin took last justifies our hesitation at least a little.

Hillstorm said...

Jason, are you trying to say that I made the team win? Heh... yes!

Pammy said...

hey, this scavenger hunt is gonna be Bitchin'.
so pay up.
because i drove alot.

sherlock said...

DANG max. You were gonna put me in on this

constant_k said...

I'm sorry Cameron. I forgot. I just haven't really seen much of you this summer. If we do another one I'll get you the info. Just mention it on the blog, eh?

sherlock said...
