as you can see, jason and i have been hard at work (well, i've been hard at work on that sweet logo) and have decided on a theme for th3: supervillains. our captains for this treasure hunt are max kuehn (doctor octopus), tara ritter (the phoenix), jennifer dens (black widow), and sam walker (the penguin). the captains were chosen for a special attribute they all possess, so please do not feel offended if you feel you are more deserving.
jason and i have also finalized the rules for the treasure hunt, which i am posting in advance here:
1) all participants must be signed up with jason or me by the entry date (12:00 p.m., july 21, 2006). no walk-ins will be allowed. our official list, which i will continue to update on this post, is as follows:
john valesano
jeff smith
shane penoyer
kyle solstad
josh mattson
ariel aakhus
tara ritter
ashley hillstrom
josiah collins
max kuehn
sam walker
pammy ronnei
jennifer dens
matt capelle
chris runyan
karla tetrault
kaitlyn ziebell
2) all participants must pay the entry fee (to be determined at a later date) to participate. no exceptions.
3) only one vehicle will be allowed per team.
4) only one cell phone will be allowed per team for communication with other teams and ourselves.
5) teams will begin the hunt with no clues, but may purchase them for a time penalty. hints may be purchased in half-hint incriments, half of a hint involving cooperation and assistance from us and a full hint granting a simple location. the first half hint can be purchased for a 5 minute penalty, with each additional half increasing in cost by 5 minutes with a limit of half an hour.
6. teams may seperate as far as they like. there is not "25-yard" rule.
7. any team found to have tampered with clues will be disqualified.
8. leave no trace...
these rules will be given again at the outset of the treasure hunt on the 28th, along with advice from jason and myself. captains are reminded that each team should have a handheld cd player, a shovel, and swimming gear (for at least two team members). please remember to sign up and check back here for further updates.
I'll defend us in advance: supervillainnesses are really difficult to come up with.
If kyle is in it, what about anna?
I think paige should join too.
we are trying to get paige to get work off, but things are looking down. anna is a possibility.
i like the super villains, that's awesome.
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