Okay, here's all the important info:
The fourth treasure hunt will take place on the evening of Tuesday, August 1st. All participants will meet at Applebee's at 9 pm for a meal and rules review (note: participants must pay for their own damn food). The entrance fee will be $6 per person, American currency only, please. Approximately 10 minutes before 10 pm, we will break everyone up into teams and pass out the first clue so teams can consult and decide where they wil head first. At precisely 10 pm, teams will be released and sent out after their first clue.
Teams are as follows (please forgive my name misspellings, I know not what I do):
John Wilkes Booth: Matt Capelle, Tara Ritter, Jeff Smith, (Josiah Collins? Someone please call him. We feel he would be an asset. Dain Train?)
Lee Harvey Oswald: John Valesano, Tay Stevenson, Ariel Ahkus, Kyle Solstead
Leon Czolgosz: Jason Houle, Shane Penoyer, Ashley Hilstrom, Josh Holbrook (+Erin?)
Sam Walker: Sam Walker, Maya Kuehn, Hannah Burchill, Kali Gardner/Carmen Cummings?
(note: teams are not set in stone. We will take suggestions as to team changes, but be prepared to offer good reason. If you see your name on this list, call up everyone else on your team and make sure they know about the hunt.)
There will be no official captains for this treasure hunt. Teams must still designate a single cell phone and a single car that they will use for the duration of the hunt.
Teams are encouraged to wear appropriate attire, preferably dark enough to avoid undue pedestrian attention but reflective enough to avoid being hit by a car. Each team will need flashlights, a CD player, and pens and paper. Good shoes for climbing and skulking are also a major plus. Flip flops? Not so much.
Rules will be very similar to the first two treasure hunts, but we will introduce a unique new feature in this one. Each clue will have a number after it (usually 10, 15, or 20) that will indicate the time span after a team obtains that clue that they may call and learn of its location. For example, if a clue says "15" on the end and after 15 minutes of searching/thinking a team is still unsure, they may call Mattson, Pammy, or myself to learn of the clue's location.
Hopefully, this will tighten up the race and make sure that the winner is determined by who gets clues the fastest under the time limit, not who gets stalled for extended periods on single clues. Also, these times have been measured out so we can guarantee that the hunt will not extend beyond the 1 a.m. bar closing time, a necessary deadline for safety's sake. We ask that each team use a stopwatch (or a cell phone with a stopwatch feature; not your team contact phone, please!) to make sure that they do not underestimate the time that has passed since they got a clue. On the first clue, teams may start counting upon their release from the restaurant. We have no way of enforcing this without very cumbersome restrictions, so we will be using the honor system.
max, bar closing time is 2.
but damn, he does look like jason... creepy...
not in town it's not
Now we have to keep it.
i would love to, but i'll let you know if i can or not.
You'll probably have to take a few members off team Leon. Honestly, if you don't, we're just going to dominate all over this hunt.
you don't have to call me, I will do it :P. I love finding stuff in the dark...
Max, this is the second time you have gotten my name wrong.
i've got my money on sam's team
hailstorm-It's almost like I'm doing it on porpise...
won't be there.
SRPRPTPPU!! that says sorry.
yeah, perhaps you should switch john and jason. i haven't been on jason's team ever and i have been on john's. i like my team, but just a thought.
can i be on a team where i know the people?
Dain, that picture makes your eyes look creepy. I just thought you should know. :)
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